ScreenMiner™ Launch at Banff World Media Festival 2022

Isn’t it great to be back in the Rockies, IN PERSON?

It’s doubly special for the Magnify Digital team as we celebrate the global launch of ScreenMiner™ – our new audience analytics platform.  ScreenMiner™ is a  first-of-its-kind software solution that aggregates audience data from multiple sources and visualizes it to deliver instant meaning.

Let us know your biggest challenge around audience development and we’ll customize a demo for you. Please look for our team in Banff.
We’d love to say hello.


Book demo
Moyra Rodger
CEO and Founder
Laura Greinke
Agency Lead
Michelle Hubner
Customer Success Manager
Polina Mamont
Digital Strategist
Camila Mandour
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Why ScreenMiner™?

Creators — Maximize your audience building efforts by doubling down on the tactics that are working and tweaking the under-performers.  Access first-ever project benchmarks informed by real first-party data. Bye bye guesstimates.

Broadcasters / Digital platforms — ScreenMiner™ enables you to analyze viewership-to-cost ratios while digging into audience date for individual projects or groups of shows.  Say hello to your new best friend.

Funders — Standardize your reporting protocols and audience data sets to get more meaning with less effort from creators and administrators.

Agencies — Interested in saving time aggregating data and building reports?  We’ve got your covered.

Still unsure if ScreenMiner™ is right for you? Book a demo and we’ll show you how to dig your data and build your audience!